On the 5th day of Christmas
My true love gave to me

Glass jars! I love them and can’t think of one pantry I’ve organized without them. I will always opt for glass jars over plastic but the main reason I love glass jars is this — when we can SEE what we own, we are more likely to USE what we own.
When it comes to glass jars, we have a few ground rules:
Buy ONE size and one size only.
The days of buying jars in sets of 3 (small, medium, large) are over — do not fall for this! The large is always too tall and doesn’t fit on the shelf and the small is usually too small and fits one scoop of flour — not helpful. Instead, buy ONE size and if you must, two sizes. A tall jar for larger items (think cane sugar, brown sugar, all-purpose flour, bread flour) for the back row and a shorter jar for smaller items (think baking soda, baking powder, cornstarch) for the front row. There is nothing more satisfying than a row of glass jars all the same height. This is key to a visually appealing pantry.
Be intentional with what items you decant.
Think pasta, rice, protein powder and dry ingredients (flour, sugar). We recommend against decanting snacks or chips. Why? Typically when a bag of snacks exits the pantry it doesn’t come back in. Or, if you do have self-control, the snacks are gone within a few days. We want to decant items that are used less often and live in your pantry longer.
Buy jars that are airtight.
There are many beautiful glass jars on the market but if they’re not airtight, they’re a no for us. The goal is to keep our food fresher, longer, and an airtight seal will do just that.
These glass jars with the acacia lid are our favorite, but this glass jar and matte black lid take honorable mention.
Lastly, The Neat Method just came out with their line of glass jars and they are beautiful. Excited to try these out!
There you have it — sustainable, beautiful, functional glass jars to make your pantry more elevated and your life more effortless.

As always, reach out with any questions via @modernvilla__ or schedule a consult here. The countdown to Christmas continues — see you tomorrow for Day 6!
Happy Holidays and Happy Organizing!
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